Monday, 1 February 2016


Imagine if.....???

Imagine if life was different to how it is now? Imagine if we weren't held back by bureaucracy and form filling and finance. Imagine if we weren't held back by our own hang ups and ideas of how things should be...... 

Imagine if we could see beyond the obvious to dream of the non-obvious to something better.... Imagine if we could look at a dry patch of ground and picture what it might become. 

Some of us can do that.... some of us find it much harder..... but imagine if....?

Imagine if we launched ourselves out of our comfortable place into something new.... who knows what might happen? 

Imagine if...... 

Yesterday at our church meeting I began the meeting my reading a story called Not a Stick . I came across this story in a session on change at college in September.... It's a story of imagination, of dreaming, of seeing beyond the obvious to something much more exciting and bigger. 

It tells the story of a pig who has a stick..... The pig is told to 'be careful with that stick', 'watch where you are going with that stick'....... And the pig keeps telling the narrator 'it's not a stick'. 

The stick is more than a stick.... its a fishing rod, a sword to fight dragons, a spear.... For the pig, the stick is really these things, their imagination dreaming of so much more than is there straight on. 

As I read the story at our meeting three of the children who are part of our church family were playing with a big box in the overflow room at the back of the worship space. As I led the meeting I watched their imagination run wild - making windows and doors.... a chaotic crazy (what looked like a) mess becoming something new and 'not a box'. It was coloured and altered and thrown around...... pens were used as scissors and the glitter left over in the box from Christmas was thrown everywhere..... 

In that 'not a box' moment the children were living out 'not a stick' for real at the same time we were all dreaming what were quite big dreams about the future of our church community cafe. 

If we are to enter the kingdom of God like a child (Matt 18:2-4), then maybe like a child we too should dream 'not a box' and 'not a stick' dreams as we see how much bigger God is than what we can see right in front of us.

What's God asking us to do? What's God saying? Are we missing it because we are being very careful with that stick and missing its not-a-stickness? 

Imagine if...???

"See, I am doing a new thing!
Not it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness 
and streams in the wasteland"         Isaiah 43:19

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