Sunday 7 March 2021

Difficult Women

This morning on the news I stumbled across some of the commentary surrounding that interview where Oprah Winfrey and Meghan Markle are going to have a talk. There is a bit of speculation around it and Harry and Meghan's so called 'split' from the Royal Family. The woman speaking was saying all sorts of things about Meghan Markle and at one point she referred to her as a 'difficult woman'. A difficult woman. I switched over soon afterwards because to be honest I'm not really bothered about the speculation, I am not interested in the interview and as far as I am concerned this is a family matter and the hoo-hah in the press is distracting us from other more important things. Maybe Meghan has done things that aren't good, maybe the family have treated her badly, maybe this hasn't been dealt with in a great way, but let's just leave them to work it out. The press coverage has only added fuel to the fire I have no doubt. 

Back to the difficult woman. 

What makes a woman difficult? 

Is it because she has spoken in ways that we might find challenge the stereotypes we are quite comfortable with? 

Is it because she has said something that has made us squirm in our seats? 

Is it because she has said things to make us think?

Is it because she has spoken back, spoken up against ingrained ways and ideas? 

Is it because she challenges those who call her a difficult woman? 

Is it because she is not a pushover?

Is it because she doesn't make things easy for you to carry on in the way you have always carried on?

Then that makes me, and many of the amazing women I know difficult women. I'm quite proud to be a difficult woman if that is what it makes me. A difficult woman is someone who is assertive and independent, who leads and tackles problems head on. A difficult woman will not be left outside with the door closed.

When I look at the stories of Jesus I see him encounter difficult women, welcome them in, draw them into conversation and change their lives. It doesn't mean they stop being difficult women in society's use of the word, but it means he empowers them to challenge the world with the upside down kingdom values he lives, preaches and embodies. His treatment of women shows him as a man who sees them as created in the image of God, as gifted by God, and as individuals with different purposes and paths. He transforms the Samaritan Woman's life in John 4 as she begins to preach his good news. He heals the woman who has been bleeding heavily and sends her on her way. He sets free the woman who is one of two guilty parties in an adulterous relationships where the man was nowhere to be seen, he teaches Mary and he brings Martha to his feet to learn. He accepts the woman with the over the top perfume on feet pouring incident as others look on and condemn her. He meets Mary Magdalene in the garden and tells her to go and tell others he is alive. These difficult women who challenge the status quo of the day are encouraged to live like 'there is no male or female for all are one in Christ Jesus'. These difficult women, with their different gifts are people entrusted with good news to lead others onto the next, the new, the better. 

So, to all the difficult women I know - the ones who are challenging stereotypes, the ones who won't be bullied, the ones who insist on being heard, the ones who are putting themselves in places where they had not been allowed before, the ones who won't put up with 'it's because you're a woman' as an excuse, the ones who Jesus puts back in their rightful place to live on their life in all its fulness in His way..... keep being difficult - not in an awkward making a fuss for making a fuss sort of way, but in the way in which you are called and gifted. Be who you are, be confident of your own potential, and be everything you have been called to be. 

It's International Women's Day this week. Look around you and celebrate all of those women you know, particularly the difficult ones. 

To all the difficult women I know - my amazing sisters in being difficult - I love you, you're amazing, keep being. 

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