Saturday 12 June 2021

Communion - Together and Apart

This Communion Liturgy is written for New Addington Baptist Church' first in person communion service of 2021, acknowledging that the community is still scattered - our call is for God to gather us in around the story that centres us. 

Communion – Together and Apart


We gather round this table, our tables, representative of this table - some of us in person, some of us online, some of us just at home.

We gather around this meal of bread and wine to celebrate life. We celebrate the life of God in the world.

The Word became flesh and moved into our neighbourhood, and as we have scattered in our community, the Word has continued to dwell here.

This bread and this wine are representative of the Word – the bread is Jesus' body, the wine is Jesus' blood – and as we participate in this meal, His story finds its rightful place at the centre of our story.

We come to remember that His body was broken, just as we are broken, but that through His brokenness healing and reconciliation, transformation and salvation, deep love and forgiveness all comes.

It is Him who has been there when all seems silent, speaking in a whisper “all will be well”.

It is Him who has been there when we have wandered the quiet streets, our companion and our guide, leading us on.

It is Him who has been there when the situation has felt impossible and through the words of others has brought us peace

It is Him who has been there when the house normally teeming with life has been emptied and has made sure we are never alone

It is Him who has been there in the cries of injustice as the inequalities of society have been laid bare. He shouts in the protests, this is not my way.

It is Him who invites us, again and again to His table, ‘come sit down, I’m here, come and laugh, come and talk, come and cry, come and be’.  

It is Him who gathers us here and there today, it’s His story and we remember all he has done.

It is in Him that the church is held together, this community, in His breaking, is able to live, for we are called to be the body of Christ.

And so this table, our tables, is a place where we remember our calling to be His body, and that as His body we must walk with and watch over one another as we seek His way.


So let us give thanks

Lord God, we give thanks for this bread and this wine, a reminder of all that Jesus has done for us. A reminder of body broken, of a life rejected and scarred, yet of an unstoppable life.

A life that will not be ended by death, will not be stopped by the purposes and ways of the world. A life that isn’t halted by war and injustice and pandemic. A life that brings transformation and abundance… much abundance.

As we eat the bread and drink the wine we give our thanks. We thank you that you accept us as we are, however we’ve been recently and however we’ve behaved. You accept us with gentleness and grace and you transform our shame into honour and dignity. You love us into an abundant life.

We thank you that you look at us and see great potential in us, for you have made us in your image and you call us to be partners in your kingdom vision for this world.

As we eat the bread and drink this wine we call on your Spirit, in this room, in our rooms, to come alongside us, so that as we continue to walk together, as we gather from our scattered places, we might give ourselves anew as participants in your story. So we might restore and renew our places, our parts in your body, and live the life you call us to in this world.



This story we are invited to participate in is a story of hope and celebration amongst brokenness and despair. We hear this story again and again, and we pass it on to one another as Christ passed it on to his disciples, as Paul the apostle passed it on to the churches, as the churches passed it down the generations and as we pass it on in our scattered community. This story says that on the night Jesus was betrayed by one who was meant to be his friend, he took bread, and he gave thanks and he broke it saying:

“This is my body that is broken for you; do this in remembrance of me”

It is in the breaking that we find wholeness.

It is in the sharing we find community.

It is in Jesus we find life.

Let us break our bread and share it now.

The body of Christ broken for you.

Pause for distribution

After supper, Jesus took the cup saying “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me”

It is in the cup we find God’s promises

It is in the cup we find forgiveness

It is in Jesus we find restoration.

Let us share the wine and drink (in the building we will all drink together)

The blood of Christ shed for you.

Pause for distribution


We have taken this bread and wine into our bodies. We have taken his promises, his restoration, his forgiveness and accepted them as our own.

Let us Pray

Lord, may you through this meal, draw us back together, draw us ever closer, gather us in.

May we be a community centred on Christ. May our hands be his hands in the world, our feet be his feet, and in the places where we go, the people we meet, may Christ be seen in our lives.

May we be the ones who in the silence, speak His words of wellness.

May we be the ones who amongst the lost, point out the directions

May we be the ones who stand with those finding life impossible and bring peace

May we be the ones who sit down with the lonely, welcome in the wandering, walk with the justice finders.

May we be the ones who say come and join us, you are welcome here.

May we be the community Christ calls us to be.

As we move from our scattering, we pray for unity.

Lord gather us in.


Here is the communion led through on video:

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