Thursday 17 May 2012

Missing the signs and avoiding the margins

Something went wrong today. I think I may have driven on the wrong side of the road. It was at that moment when the road changed from one way into two way and the road system was one I didn't know. I was looking for where I was going and I totally missed the signs. I'm still not sure if I did do wrong as there were no cars coming in the other direction, but I still have that feeling......

When you are driving you so often have to really concentrate to see the signs, particularly when you are in a new place. I will not rely on sat nav but in new places I normally end up doing a u-turn at some point because I miss the signs. 

My trip today was to a BU Women in Ministry Day - a gathering for women to think about what it means to minister as a woman. I arrived and I saw a sign that said 'Baptist Ladies Day' pointing down the hill. I nearly did a u-turn there and then because I'm no lady. 

In one of the sessions we explored 1 Timothy 2:8-15 which everyone in the group had been confronted with at some point in exploring their call.

I was reminded of the time that my music teacher told me that if a male student wouldn't speak at the college carol service then no-one will because a woman shouldn't do it.

I was reminded of the time that I was told that a clearly gifted woman was not allowed to speak at a Christian Union because women couldn't teach men.

I was reminded of the time that, after been separated into male and female groups the guys came and told us that they really appreciated the fact that we dressed modestly because it meant we didn't tempt them.

I was reminded of the time that I was told (by a woman) that it didn't matter if the church I chose to go to wouldn't let women speak because it wasn't a Gospel issue. 

But then I was reminded of how one of my ministers told me, after talking about me possibly being called to ministry, that he had struggled with women being in ministry and weighing it up against scripture, but had wrestled with it, read books and come to the conclusion it was right. 

And I was reminded of how affirming Paul was of women in his letters - Phoebe, Lydia, Junia, Priscilla...... and also of how much I love Paul's letters, which always need to be read with an appreciation that he was writing in a different culture, recognising that God speaks to us today through them, and that we need to be prepared to explore those passages that are hard because they're there and they are part of the canon of Scripture which is God breathed.

I wonder if sometimes we are so focused on our destination that we drive on the wrong side of the road without noticing the people on the margins who are waiting at the traffic lights where someone has switched them to permanently on red. We might have missed where they could be going. 

Who is on the margins that I miss because missing them is so engrained in my culture?

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