Friday 31 August 2012

Overwhelmed by Lists?

I've become I writer of what some people call 'To-do' lists. I don't call them to-do lists. They are just lists.

Todays list includes:

Unhappy face
Coffee Morning
Doers of the Word
What is the Godly Response to situations?
Sort out sound effects
Giant Hand
Video clip

The problem with my lists is that I cannot always pin down what I mean (you might look at the list and think, well, yep!). My list is not something I can always tick off, but is a guide for my thoughts. Perhaps that's why I don't call it a to-do list. 

It would be so much easier if life was a clear cut list of easy solutions that could be ticked off..... but it's not. New things bring new decisions to make, new directions to go in. We cannot package life into programmes and moments that have clear boundaries because other people work outside of the boundaries we imagine and when we look to God he is so much bigger, wider and greater than any boundaries we put up.

When you are working within non-existent boundaries the challenge is not to become overwhelmed. The easy response would be to walk away because the task is too big..... and sometimes that it is really tempting. Another response is to set boundaries that you wouldn't step over, but then we forget to take risks. The best (and sometimes most dangerous for our own limited vision) response is to dream dreams, take risks, don't be afraid to add more to the list or to not tick things off, trusting that God will walk with us....

When I was in Kolkata, I looked around and saw the city around me, and the task of transformation for those on the edges of society seemed almost impossible. The solution is hidden, the ideas unthought of........ yet when I looked harder I saw people taking risks, dreaming dreams, moving forward with boldness, relying on God to enable them to make a difference, to change lives. We too often limit ourselves by our own capabilities... but anything is possible. 

'The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. By faith, we see the world called into existence by God's word, what we see created by what we don't see.'                         
                                   Hebrews 11:1-3 (The Message)

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