Wednesday 4 April 2012


There is an episode of Friends when Joey goes out on a date with a woman and the woman steals a chip. Joey gets really annoyed, but first date and all that, he doesn't say anything. On the next date he orders a plate of chips to share so that he doesn't have to go through that again. The woman then takes something different off his plate. Joey shouts. I know how he feels. I am not very good at sharing. I know it is a weakness and I laugh at myself as I tell others. I don't know why. I have never had anyone steal all of my food or contaminate my food or anything like that (I did once have a colleague dip her fingers in my tea to get my tea bag out and that really freaked me out!). 

I confess though, I am not very good at sharing, and I am constantly challenged to do better. 

After Jesus had cleansed the temple and told some stories he sat and watched people putting money into the treasury. He saw the rich put in loads, then he saw a poor woman who put in two small copper coins - everything she had, and commented on it to the disciples. 

I've been writing an assignment that talks about how we need to love God with everything, absolutely everything, our heart, our mind, our very being, our strength and our wealth too. That's a huge challenge! How can I demonstrate that in the way I live out my faith? What does it mean to give my all to God?


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