Wednesday 3 April 2019

God’s Comfort Blanket

At the moment we’re in the middle of 10 weeks of #doyouknowHim? and as part of that we’re out in Ramsbottom every Saturday morning blessing the community with God’s love.  #doyouknowHim? came from the church in Skipton who did a similar 10 weeks last year and continue to regularly spend time in the community blessing those they meet. 

One thing that Skipton have done that we have chosen not to do is take blankets out in the town, enfold people in them and pray over them the prayer of St Patrick’s breastplate. I’ve been struck by this - as a not-very-often-hugger I’d find it strange but I love the idea - that God’s love enfolds us like a comfort blanket. 

Right now I need some of that comfort blanket - it’s hard work with moving and everything and although I love all we are doing with #doyouknowHim? and it's really exciting, there are times that it has almost broken me (who’d co-lead on something so big whilst preparing to move?). 

Yesterday was one of those days where one last kick sent me into hiding. I was packing, reminiscing, planning, dreaming and I reflected on some news I’d had that brought up some stuff that was tricky.... 

So this morning I began again, went back to my calling, went back to God with breakfast in the garden centre. And as I did I reflected on God as comfort blanket. As I did I reflected on the Bible and God threw out Matthew 11:28 in more ways than one. 

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest”

And so I wrote...... a kind of comfort blanket blessing for me and for all those I know who are finding it tough right now. It’s not easy at the moment with so much uncertainty and change so sometimes we just need to accept the blanket offered and rest: 

God’s Comfort Blanket 

May the arms of God surround you
With the fibres of His warmth
May His comfort blanket enfold you
As you shelter in His wings

May the strength of embrace protect you
As the fleece and wool surround you
May you feel His love, His peace
As you rest in His arms

May you gradually unravel 
As the threads ravel round you
May you begin to let it go
And feel release in his grace. 

May the arms of God surround you,
Protect you and enrobe you 
May His comfort blanket soothe you
As you shelter in His wings 

1 comment:

  1. Thanku so much Claire, made me cry in a goid way i think, i think 2 much atm but this is spit on, thanku xx
